Modernization and refactoring of on-premise monoliths or cloud-native application design from scratch becomes possible.

What grapple delivers.
Enable truly modern (cloud) application management through the grapple Solution Framework.
true modernization
grapple enables real-time, automated solution delivery from simplified refactoring to highly automated creation of truly modern applications.
multi-cloud orchestration
grapple helps to deploy your applications into a modern, scalable microservice deployment that can be deployed in any on-premise, cloud or even multi-cloud environment (based on Kubernetes).

How we do it.
functionality: (Re-)create cloud native applications with little effort and virtually in real-time.
break down monoliths
grapple enables you to rebuild any monolithic application with a solution that is modern, reusable, event driven API and UI module based.
model-driven automation
grapple unleashes lightning-fast dynamic application generation and customization capabilities: from data structures to existing sources
Integrate customized or existing building blocks in cloud-native and compatible manner in a matter of seconds.

grapple instant api generator
About 80% of the APIs will work “out-of-the-box”.
grapple ui module factory
About 50-60% of the UI components will work “out-of-the-box”
grapple extendability
Through grapple code injection, virtually all applications can be integrated from the same functionalities of the grapple Solution Framework / grapple ApplicationSet.
grapple injection
Additional functionalities (that are unique to your business) can be “injected” using grapple code injection.
grapple applicationset
The grapple ApplicationSet can be enhanced with code injections and deployed/generated alongside the grapple instant APIs and the grapple UI modules

The grapple Solution Framework combines unique state-of-the-art concepts, functionalities and characteristics that help to release the true potential of modern cloud-nativity.
Develop, deploy and manage APIs and configurable UI modules in a matter of minutes and increase productivity of your developers dramatically.
Customize your applications with your unique and specific business functionalities.
Lay the foundation of modern cloud-native application development.
Platform Services
Services with the aim to enable faster business performance for standard operations.

develop, deploy and manage apis and configurable ui modules in a matter of minutes and increase productivity of your developers dramatically.
grapple instant API
Create a fully functional REST API in seconds, without any coding or infrastructure setup.
A simple and intuitive interface for defining the endpoints and responses for your API, as well as automatic documentation and testing tools.
Simply define the resources and their respective routes for your API, and then specify the HTTP method (e.g. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) and response for each route.
Customize the responses based on the requests using dynamic parameters and query strings.
Create and deploy a functional API very quickly, without the need for any server-side coding or infrastructure setup.
An ideal solution for prototyping and testing API ideas, or for quickly building simple APIs for most (simple) applications.
grapple ApplicationSet
The ApplicationSet is an easily deployable component/interface.
It can be very easily transported from one to the other cluster.
Scaling and caching
All grapple components come with auto-scaling from the ground up.
The grapple API also provides an “integrated” and “configurable” caching solution for your data assets in order to optimize performance and scalability

customize your applications with your unique and specific business functionalities.
Integrate functionalities that are unique to your business
By injecting code, you can extend the automated grapple components your custom business functionality.
Access all automatically generated resources and build additional functionality on the top of it.
Build completely new APIs and UI components from ground up and deploy and integrate them alongside the grapple components.
Bring your own components (BYOC)
With BYOC you can integrate your own APIs and UI modules into the grapple platform exploiting the shared functionalities of the grapple platform.
You can integrate your custom APIs seamlessly and profit from further services on top of your custom APIs without additional efforts (like for example caching, authentication, monitoring, API management, etc)
UI modules
You can integrate your custom UI modules seamlessly and profit from further services on top of your custom UI modules without additional efforts (like for example caching, authentication, monitoring, UI module registry, etc)
Other Platform services
There is a simple interface to use the grapple platform services by your custom components. For example monitoring, etc.

lay the foundation of modern cloud-native application development and deployment.
Run your applications consistently on any infrastructure
grapple packages software code with just the operating system (OS) libraries and dependencies required to run the code to create a single lightweight executable—called a container.
Containers are more portable and resource-efficient than virtual machines (VMs), containers have become the de facto compute units of modern cloud-native applications.
Benefits of containerization:
Faster delivery
Improved security
Faster app startup
Easier management

platform services
services with the aim to enable faster business performance for standard operations.
The grapple Application Platform is a framework of services that application programs rely on for standard operations. The grapple Application Platform operates across five principal areas: development tools, execution services, data services, operating systems and cloud services.
Not all of these resources or services are required for every application, and not every application platform provides all five resources. More complex applications require more extensive and feature-rich platforms for development than simpler apps. This means that a developer might deploy multiple application platforms to support a complex application.
grapple delivers a growing number of Platform Services with the aim to enable faster business performance through greater accessibility, integration and utilization of existing functionalities and code. These services help to drive operational resilience because the avoid issues related to the human factor, vulnerabilities, security, performance and availability. Ultimately, these services will help your employees to spend less time managing and provisioning compute resources and instead spend time on work that matters most innovating and creating new software features and releases.
All artefacts are registered in a central manner and therefore made reusable by any other team/project/project/department. The platform can be extended to perfectly “integrate” with your environments and tools.
Federated UI Module Dashboard
Our solution automatically generates useful UI components for every data source and every API endpoint. All of these UI components automatically register themselves in the central Federated UI Module Dashboard. This enables a developer of a new application to search for existing components before creating his own components leads to higher reusability of data, APIs and UI modules.
Central API Registry
All generated APIs will automatically “register” in an API registry / an API management platform. the API registry is primarily aimed at consumers and producers of APIs within an organization whose main concerns are finding and listing APIs in their organization’s catalog. The API registry / API management builds a layer of abstraction between consumers and producers of APIs and allows to centralize certain functionalities to make the APIs of an organization look and feel alike.
Secure and centrally managed authorization
Authorization happens in a central place. Always managed through https this is much more secure (every communication is “encrypted”) and easier to manage.